Proposal of new PEAR_Info class 1.7.0
This version is not a major re-write of the class we already know under
latest version 1.6.1
But it should be considered as an improvement version that allow more graphic customization
and also fixes some bugs. Sad to see PEAR_Info 1.6.1 not yet full coompatible with PEAR 1.4.x
features, i've decided to give my contribution to all the community.
Of course, until this contribution proposal was accepted or rejected consider it as
an un-official PEAR release.
- Source Code of PEAR_Info class
- Example 1:
generate default phpinfo() style PEAR information.

- Example 2:
generate phpinfo() style PEAR information, with a custom blue skin.

- Example 3:
generate phpinfo() style PEAR information, embedded into user-defined html template.

- Example 4:
Check packages installed.
- Example 5: Beta 2 of version 1.7.0 includes now the dependencies info

- Beta 3 of version 1.7.0 includes now the channel, license,
current release date with version and state

New version beta 3 (2006-06-14)
Download PEAR_Info-1.7.0.tgz
New version beta 4 (2007-06-28)
Download PEAR_Info-1.7.0beta4.tgz