* This package generate phpinfo() style PEAR information.
* PHP versions 4 and 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license
* that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt. If you did not receive a copy of
* the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please
* send a note to license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately.
* @category PEAR
* @package PEAR_Info
* @author Davey Shafik <davey@pixelated-dreams.com>
* @license http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt PHP License 3.0
* @version CVS: $Id:$
* @since File available since Release 1.0.1
require_once 'PEAR/Remote.php';
require_once 'PEAR/Registry.php';
* The PEAR_Info class generate phpinfo() style PEAR information.
* @category PEAR
* @package PEAR_Info
* @author Davey Shafik <davey@pixelated-dreams.com>
* @license http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt PHP License 3.0
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @since Class available since Release 1.0.1
class PEAR_Info
* Html code for phpinfo() style PEAR information
* @var string
* @access public
* @since 1.0.1
var $info;
* Style sheet for the custom layout
* @var string
* @access public
* @since 1.7.0
var $css;
* instance of PEAR_config
* @var object
* @access public
* @since 1.0.1
var $config;
* instance of PEAR_Registry
* @var object
* @access public
* @since 1.0.1
var $reg;
* instance of PEAR_Remote
* @var object
* @access private
* @since 1.0.1
var $r;
* PHP 4 style constructor (ZE1)
* @param string $pear_dir (optional) The PEAR base install directory
* @param string $pear_user_config (optional) File to read user-defined options from
* @return void
* @access public
* @since 1.0.1
function PEAR_Info($pear_dir = false, $pear_user_config = false)
$this->__construct($pear_dir, $pear_user_config);
* PHP 5 style constructor (ZE2)
* @param string $pear_dir (optional) The PEAR base install directory
* @param string $pear_user_config (optional) File to read user-defined options from
* @return void
* @access private
* @since 1.7.0
function __construct($pear_dir = false, $pear_user_config = false)
if ($pear_user_config === false) {
$this->config = new PEAR_Config();
} else {
$this->config = new PEAR_Config($pear_user_config);
if ($pear_dir != false) {
if (defined('PEAR_INFO_PROXY')) {
$this->config->set('http_proxy', PEAR_INFO_PROXY);
$this->r = new PEAR_Remote($this->config);
$this->reg = new PEAR_Registry($this->config->get('php_dir'));
// get PEARs packageInfo to show version number at the top of the HTML
if (method_exists($this->reg, 'getPackage')) {
$pear = $this->reg->getPackage("PEAR");
$pear_version = $pear->getVersion();
} else {
$pear = $this->reg->packageInfo('PEAR');
$pear_version = $pear['version'];
$this->index = array();
$this->list_options = false;
if ($this->config->get('preferred_state') == 'stable') {
$this->list_options = true;
$this->info = '
<tr class="h">
<a href="http://pear.php.net/"><img src="{phpself}?pear_image=true" alt="PEAR Logo" /></a><h1 class="p">PEAR {pearversion}</h1>
$this->info = str_replace(
array('{phpself}', '{pearversion}'),
array(htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), $pear_version),
if (!isset($_GET['credits'])) {
$this->info .= '
<h1><a href="{phpself}?credits=true">PEAR Credits</a></h1>
$this->info = str_replace(
'{phpself}', htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']),
$this->info .= $this->getConfig();
$this->info .= $this->getPackages();
} else {
$this->info .= $this->getCredits();
* Set PEAR http_proxy for remote calls
* @param string $proxy HTTP Proxy Server Address
* @static
* @return bool
* @access public
* @since 1.0.6
function setProxy($proxy)
$res = define('PEAR_INFO_PROXY', $proxy);
return $res;
* Returns the custom style sheet to use for layout
* @param bool $content (optional) Either return css filename or string contents
* @return string
* @access public
* @since 1.7.0
function getStyleSheet($content = true)
if ($content) {
$styles = file_get_contents($this->css);
} else {
$styles = $this->css;
return $styles;
* Set the custom style sheet to use your own styles
* @param string $css (optional) File to read user-defined styles from
* @return bool True if custom styles, false if default styles applied
* @access public
* @since 1.7.0
function setStyleSheet($css = null)
// default stylesheet is into package data directory
if (!isset($css)) {
$this->css = '@data_dir@' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
. '@package_name@' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
. 'pearinfo.css';
$res = isset($css) && file_exists($css);
if ($res) {
$this->css = $css;
return $res;
* Retrieve and format PEAR Packages info
* @return string
* @access private
* @since 1.0.1
function getPackages()
$latest = @$this->r->call('package.listLatestReleases');
$available = $this->reg->listAllPackages();
if (PEAR::isError($available)) {
$e = '<p class="error">An Error occured while fetching the package list.'
. ' Please try again.</p>';
return $e;
if (!is_array($available)) {
$e = '<p class="error">The package list could not be fetched from the remote server.'
. ' Please try again.</p>';
return $e;
if ((PEAR::isError($latest)) || (!is_array($latest))) {
$latest = false;
$packages = '';
foreach ($available as $channel => $pkg) {
foreach ($pkg as $name) {
$info = &$this->reg->getPackage($name, $channel);
if (is_object($info)) {
$installed['package'] = $info->getPackage();
$installed['channel'] = $channel;
$installed['summary'] = $info->getSummary();
$installed['version'] = $info->getVersion();
$installed['current_release'] = $installed['version']
. ' (' . $info->getState() . ') was released on '
. $info->getDate();
$installed['license'] = $info->getLicense();
if ($info->getPackagexmlVersion() == '2.0' ) {
$uri = $info->getLicenseLocation();
if ($uri) {
if (isset($uri['uri'])) {
$installed['license'] = '<a href="' . $uri['uri'] . '">'
. $info->getLicense() . '</a>';
$installed['description'] = $info->getDescription();
} else {
$installed = $info;
$installed['channel'] = 'pear.php.net';
$installed['current_release'] = $info['version']
. ' (' . $info['release_state'] . ') was released on '
. $info['release_date'];
$deps = $info->getDeps();
if (is_array($deps)) {
static $_deps_rel_trans = array(
'lt' => '<',
'le' => '<=',
'eq' => '=',
'ne' => '!=',
'gt' => '>',
'ge' => '>=',
'has' => 'has'
static $_deps_type_trans = array(
'pkg' => 'Package',
'ext' => 'Extension',
'php' => 'PHP'
$dependencies = '';
$ptpl = '
<tr class="w">
foreach($deps as $dep) {
$dependencies .= str_replace(
array(($dep['optional'] == 'no') ? 'Yes' : 'No',
$ptpl = '
<tr class="w">
<td class="f">
<td class="f">
<td class="f">
<td class="f">
<td class="f">
$dependencies = $ptpl . $dependencies;
if (!isset($old_index)) {
$old_index = '';
$current_index = $name{0};
if (strtolower($current_index) != strtolower($old_index)) {
$packages .= '<a name="' .$current_index. '"></a>';
$old_index = $current_index;
$this->index[] = $current_index;
$ptpl = '
<h2><a name="pkg_{package}">{package}</a></h2>
<tr class="v">
<td class="e">
<tr class="v">
<td class="e">
<tr class="v">
<td class="e">
<tr class="v">
<td class="e">
<tr class="v">
<td class="e">
if (!empty($dependencies)) {
$ptpl .= '
<tr class="v">
<td class="e">
<table class="d">
$packages .= str_replace(
if ($latest != false) {
if (isset($latest[$installed['package']])) {
if (version_compare($latest[$installed['package']]['version'],
$installed['version'], '>')) {
$ptpl = '
<tr class="v">
<td class="e">
Latest Version
<a href="http://pear.php.net/get/{package}">{latest_version}</a>({latest_state})
$packages .= str_replace(
$packages .= '
<td colspan="2" class="v"><a href="#top">Top</a></td>
$index = '
<h2><a name="top">PEAR Packages</a></h2>
<td class="e">
<td class ="v" style="text-align: center">
foreach ($this->index as $i) {
$index .= ' | <a href="#'.$i.'">'.strtoupper($i).'</a>';
$index .= ' |
$s = $index . $packages;
return $s;
* Retrieves and formats the PEAR Config data
* @return string
* @access private
* @since 1.0.1
function getConfig()
$keys = $this->config->getKeys();
$html_pear_config = '
<h2>PEAR Config</h2>
foreach ($keys as $key) {
if (($key != 'password') && ($key != 'username') && ($key != 'sig_keyid') && ($key != 'http_proxy')) {
$html_config = '
<tr class="v">
<td class="e">{key}</td>
$html_config = str_replace(
array('{key}', '{value}'),
array($key, $this->config->get($key)),
$html_pear_config .= $html_config;
$html_pear_config .= '
return $html_pear_config;
* Retrieves and formats the PEAR Credits
* @return string
* @access private
* @since 1.0.1
function getCredits()
$html_pear_credits = '
<h1>PEAR Credits</h1>
<tr class="h">
PEAR Website Team
<tr class="v">
<a href="http://pear.php.net/account-info.php?handle=ssb">Stig Bakken</a>,
<a href="http://pear.php.net/account-info.php?handle=cox">Thomas V.V.Cox</a>,
<a href="http://pear.php.net/account-info.php?handle=mj">Martin Jansen</a>,
<a href="http://pear.php.net/account-info.php?handle=cmv">Colin Viebrock</a>,
<a href="http://pear.php.net/account-info.php?handle=richard">Richard Heyes</a>
<tr class="h">
PEAR documentation team
<tr class="v">
<a href="http://pear.php.net/account-info.php?handle=cox">Thomas V.V.Cox</a>,
<a href="http://pear.php.net/account-info.php?handle=mj">Martin Jansen</a>,
<a href="http://pear.php.net/account-info.php?handle=alexmerz">Alexander Merz</a>
$available = $this->reg->listAllPackages();
if (PEAR::isError($available)) {
$e = '<p class="error">An Error occured while fetching the credits from the remote server.'
. ' Please try again.</p>';
return $e;
if (!is_array($available)) {
$e = '<p class="error">The credits could not be fetched from the remote server.'
. ' Please try again.</p>';
return $e;
$html_pear_credits .= '
<table border="0" cellpadding="3" width="600">
<tr class="h"><td>Package</td><td>Maintainers</td></tr>
foreach ($available as $channel => $pkg) {
foreach ($pkg as $name) {
$info = &$this->reg->getPackage($name, $channel);
if (is_object($info)) {
$installed['package'] = $info->getPackage();
$installed['maintainers'] = $info->getMaintainers();
} else {
$installed = $info;
$ptpl = '
<td class="e">
<a href="http://pear.php.net/{packageURI}">{package}</a>
<td class="v">
$maintainers = array();
foreach ($installed['maintainers'] as $i) {
$maintainers[] = '<a href="http://pear.php.net/account-info.php?handle='
. $i['handle']. '">'
. htmlentities($i['name'])
. '</a>'
.' (' . $i['role'] . ')';
$maintainers = implode(', ',$maintainers);
$html_pear_credits .= str_replace(
$html_pear_credits .= '</table>';
return $html_pear_credits;
* outputs the PEAR logo
* @return void
* @access public
* @since 1.0.1
function pearImage()
$pear_image = 'R0lGODlhaAAyAMT/AMDAwP3+/TWaAvD47Pj89vz++zebBDmcBj6fDEekFluvKmu3PvX68ujz4XvBS8LgrNXqxeHw1ZnPaa/dgvv9+cLqj8LmltD2msnuls';
$pear_image .= 'AMulNLJFC9pEwIW/odKU8cqTfsWoTTtcomU4ZjbR4ZP+AgYKCG0EiZ1AuiossEhwEXRMEg5SVWQ6MmZqKWD0QlqCUEHubpaYlExwRPRZioZZVp7KzKQoS';
$pear_image .= 'DxANDLsNXA5simd2FcQYb4YAc2jEU80TmAAIztPCMcjKdg4OEsZJmwIWWQPQI4ikIwtoVQnddgrv8PFlCWgYCwkI+fp5dkvJ/IlUKMCy6tYrDhNIIKLFE';
$pear_image .= 'AWCTxse+ABD4SClWA0zovAjcUJFi6EwahxZwoGqHhFA/4IqoICkyxQSKkbo0gDkuBXV4FRAJkRCnTgi2P28IcEfk5xpWppykFJVuScmEvDTEETAVJ6bEp';
$pear_image .= 'ypcADPkz3pvKVAICHChkC7siQ08zVqu4Q6hgIFEFZuEn/KMgRUkaBmAQs+cEHgIiHVH5EAFpIgW4+NT6LnaqhDwe/Ov7YOmWZp4MkiAWBIl0kAVsJWuzc';
$pear_image .= 'YpdiNgddc0E8cKBAu/FElBwagMb88ZZKDRAkWJtkWhHh3wwUbKHQJN3wQAaXGR2LpArv5oFHRR34C7Mf6oLXZNfqBgNI7oOLhj1f8PaGpygHQ0xtP8MDV';
$pear_image .= 'KwYTSKcgxr9/hS6/pCCAAg5M4B9/sWh1YP9/XSgQWRML/idBfKUc4IBET9lFjggKhDYZAELZJYEBI2BDB3ouNBEABwE8gAwiCcSYgAKqPdEVAG7scM8BP';
$pear_image .= '06ZUeJgjQB6dZUPBAdwcF8KLXXRVQaKFcsRRLJ6vMiiCNKxRE8ECZKgUA3Va4arOAAqdGRWO7uMZH5AL05gvsjQbg6y4NCjQ1kw8TVGcbdoKGKx8j3bGH';
$pear_image .= '7nARBArqwi0gkFJBrZiXBQRbHoIgnhSjcEBKfD7c3HMhz+JIQSY3t8GGKW+SUhfUajxGzKd0IoHBNkNQK86ZYEqdzYA8AHQpqXRUm80oHs1CAgMoBxzRq';
$pear_image .= 'vzs9CIKECC1JBp7enUpfXHApwVYNAfo16c4IrYPLVdSAJVob7IAtCBFQGHcs/RRdiUDPHA33oADEAIAOw==';
header('content-type: image/gif');
echo base64_decode($pear_image);
* Shows PEAR_Info output
* @return void
* @access public
* @since 1.0.1
* @deprecated use display() instead
function show()
* Displays PEAR_Info output
* @return void
* @access public
* @since 1.7.0
function display()
echo $this->toHtml();
* Returns PEAR_Info output (html code)
* @return string
* @access public
* @since 1.7.0
function toHtml()
if (!isset($this->css)) {
// when no user-styles defined, used the default values
$styles = $this->getStyleSheet();
$body = $this->info;
$html = <<<HTML
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<title>PEAR :: PEAR_Info()</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<style type="text/css">
return $html;
* Check if a package is installed
* @param string $name Package name
* @param string $version (optional) The minimal version that should be installed
* @param string $channel (optional) The package channel distribution
* @param string $pear_user_config (optional) File to read user-defined options from
* @static
* @return bool
* @access public
* @since 1.6.0
function packageInstalled($name, $version = null, $channel = null, $pear_user_config = null)
$config = new PEAR_Config($pear_user_config);
$reg = new PEAR_Registry($config->get('php_dir'));
if (is_null($version)) {
return $reg->packageExists($name, $channel);
} else {
$info = &$reg->getPackage($name, $channel);
if (is_object($info)) {
$installed['version'] = $info->getVersion();
} else {
$installed = $info;
return version_compare($version, $installed['version'], '<=');
if (isset($_GET['pear_image'])) {