

- conf
  - pfm
    - roles              = PEAR_PackageFileManager2 'roles' option: default are
                           $roles = array(
                                'h' => 'src',
                                'c' => 'src',
                                'm4' => 'src',
                                'w32' => 'src',
                                'dll' => 'ext',
                                'php' => 'php',
                                'html' => 'doc',
                                '*' => 'data',
    - dir_roles          = PEAR_PackageFileManager2 'dir_roles' option: default are
                           $dir_roles' = array(
                                'docs' => 'doc',
                                'examples' => 'doc',
                                'tests' => 'test',
    - changelogoldtonew  = PEAR_PackageFileManager2 'changelogoldtonew' option: default is TRUE
    - simpleoutput       = PEAR_PackageFileManager2 'simpleoutput' option: default is FALSE
    - exportcompatiblev1 = FALSE
    - baseinstalldir     = '/'
    - outputdirectory    = PEAR_PackageFileManager2 'outputdirectory' option: default is FALSE
    - package_type       = array('php','extsrc','extbin');
    - stability          = array('snapshot','devel','alpha','beta','stable');
    - maintainer_roles   = array('lead','developer','contributor','helper');
    - filelistgenerator  = array('File', 'Cvs', 'Svn', 'Perforce');
  - gui
    - actions            = array('display' => 'ActionDisplay', 'process' => 'ActionProcess', 'dump' => false);

This configuration file is divided into 2 parts:

PFM part

GUI part

There are only 3 actions that may be change to allow new behavior of web frontend: