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HTML_QuickForm_advmultiselect : The Definitive Guide

Chapter 7. Introduction

Table of Contents

Elements description

This reference describes every API in the HTML_QuickForm_advmultiselect class.

Elements description

In a two multi-select boxes default shape, there are :

  • a list with all unselected values (on left side)
  • a list with all selected values (on right side)
  • two buttons (add, remove) to swap items from one list to the other (on middle side)
  • optional headers for each list

In a single multi-select box default shape, there are :

  • a list with all values (selected: checkbox on, unselected: checkbox off)
  • none buttons
  • optional header for the list
[Note] Note
Buttons (up, down) to sort item are unavailable in a single multi-select box shape.

In a two multi-select boxes custom shape, you may also have :

  • two buttons to sort selected item (by user-end)
[Important] Important
There are no order between setting button (up, down) attributes and setting placeholders {moveup}, {movedown} into the template.
HTML_QuickForm_advmultiselect : The Definitive Guide v 1.4.0 : 9 Juin 2007